I took a break to collect myself and deal with some major issues in my life. I had some tough decisions to make but after a trip to Sydney i found myself obsessed with fashion yet again :3.
Im gonna really give my blog a shot now and put better effort in.
I need to buy a new camera.
I need to make more posts.
I need to fix my hair.
I bought some docs while i was in the city, so i guess that makes me like ultimate blogger girl now.
Well what can I say i love the city and i love the city fashion i bought so many magazines and i found a newsagents that stocked Teen Vogue.
Must say i loved my day in Newtown, Enmore road is the greatest place and im happy to say i went there and felt very accepted.
I need to go to Sydney again next month. I am gonna see Chinatown and Bondi and get some new pieces.
And i had some time at Paddys markets.
So i promise that i will do my best, to get this blog off the starting blocks and show who i really am :)